Friday, February 10, 2006

Tory Promise Or Just Real Retoric?

Shadow foreign secretary William Hague has said there will be no going back on plans to withdraw Tory MEPs from the European People's Party.

Maybe the Tories are trying to divide the similarities between New Labour and themselves?

He was speaking after talks in Brussels aimed at forming a new Eurosceptic group in the European Parliament.

Mr Hague also lunched with Tory MEPs, some of whom have said they will risk de-selection rather than quit the EPP.

Now I don't doubt that what Hague is saying is true, I thought that Hague was probably one of the 'sincere' leaders the Tories have had to date. The new leader seems somewhat a Blair Clone and even admits he won't change on most of Blair's policies should he ever get in to power (God Forbid)

Go get em! - Oh! we can't

Now maybe this is too much common sense. Maybe it's too daring for the relevant authorities to do but isn't it a great opportunity, with the release of the 'Islamic Cartoons', for the authorities to list, photograph and interrogate those who protest for murder?

As pictured above, this man thinks it's ok to advertise the fact he supports Bin Laden and calls for terrorist acts across Europe.

To dress in such away in my opinion is threatening, the placards they yeild are quite clear what they support and maybe what their intentions are. I'll be watching closely the events this Saturday of the London protests and the reaction of the police. If it's ok for them (Islamics) then it's ok for the BNP to raise their voice and concerns too. Oooops, sorry, I am forgetting the two tier law system here in Britain, how foolish of me.

Everyones A Criminal In The UK

"Right Bitch! - You're nicked for non
payment of your TV License!"

Hang her, slaughter her, chop her hands off - Theif, low life - 10 pence, my God, I bet this was worth the court costs to warrent a 10p mistake, after all it was a genuine mistake. Northern Rail should be ashamed! This is another step to try an criminalise normal decent people! The UK is obsessed by getting as many 'petty' convictions as it can and this is becoming a worrying factor of life in the UK.

You stand more of a chance becoming a criminal by committing the following offences;

* Failure to meet a Civil Fine
* Non-payment of Council Tax (Even if you can't afford it)
* Most traffic offences
* Failure to pay the BBC TV License
* Failure to abide by Metric weights & measures (Dictated by the EU)

"It's OK, I'm calling for back up!
Are you sure Sir he gave you half a pound
of of bananas and not half a kilo?"

The list goes on, but you stand less of a chance of getting caught if you are a theif, a mugger, stab someone and kill them, corporate criminal or even a terrorist at that! In actual fact, as a serious offender, you get all the benfits and help you ever wanted. Peadophiles are generally now accepted, they can even get jobs in schools working close to children....The UK is peadophile Heaven. (reference Mark Cummings:

"Bonus, your nicked for non-offensive white propaganda son! Right kick the shit out of him"

and some may wonder why I titled this blog 'Sick Britain'

Aaaarghhhh! Pillock!

Doesn't everything about Blair really make you cringe, his stance, posture and voice are so convincingly pathetic. Anyway, I just want to put emphasis on what Blair now calls EU concerns, this week he commented on the failed EU consistution:

It is "very difficult" for the EU to function as a group of 25 states under its current rules, Tony Blair has said.

Ha! right on Tony! what a great observation, has the penny finally dropped? For a man so pro EU he is slowly begining to turn and can only agree that the EU has fallen flat on it's face. It can't cope, it will never cope and the EU is really a product of what Nazi Germany wanted in the first place - Power & Control!

Blair's questions from a Commons Liason Committee tackled the very issue of the EU constitution and enlargement. Blair added to his comments;

"Having said that, I think enlargement has done Europe a power of good."

Erm, where? Germay's economy seems to be the worst ever, cross border immigration is a nightmare, constant arguments over food and farming policies, failure to harmonise on many policies. When will the EU realise that Europe is made up of many cultures and Governments, all of which are like integrating chemicals, some react nastily when mixed and others mix well to create a good formulae. In the short, europe cannot be mixed like a cocktail. Our very own identities are why many Europeans liked to travel. Ok, you may be able to travel around Europe more easily, you may also be able to live and work in another EU country easily, but at what cost?

Pressed about further enlargement, Blair said: "There is a mood in Europe about enlargement that's not altogether positive but I think it's important we try with other allies to turn that around."
He said "most people were "pretty realistic" about the stalled constitution."

Errr, brainwashed more like.

UK Independence Party leader Roger Knapman said the "open Europe" vision might be shared by European elites but not by the British people generally.
He asked: "Why should the British public be optimistic about a political Union which costs every family in this country over £60 per week, yet remains democratically unaccountable and does not learn from its' mistakes?"

Chantelle - Piss Off!!!!!!!!!

I mean, come on, how gullable, pathetic and small minded are the British Public becoming nowadays. Brainwashed by shite TV, sound bytes, Reality TV, Soaps and god knows what other shite is being sent via the ether to ones Box in the living room. Chantelle is the latest product from the house of Big Brother.

"Since leaving the show she has been followed by cameras for an E4 show called Chantelle: Living the Dream, which begins on 22 February.
It will follow her attempts to make it as a real pop star as well as her arrival on the celebrity party circuit."
- Rivetting stuff!!! Has talent become so poor in the UK the public actually swallow this shit? Apparently the six week series will be repeated on Channel 4's youth strand T4 from 12 March so you can watch this brain numbing shit all over again before you trundle of to McDonalds for a McShite Burger, smash up a bus shelter, get pissed on a can of Red Stripe and then throw up on your neighboughs panzies all in the cause of not being a successful Reality TV Celeb!

ID Cards - A Safer Britain?

So, the UK want to introduce compulsory ID cards. From memory, I think one of these will set you back around £80-90. Will it have any benefits or is it just another 'control freak' policy cooked up by Blair's croonies: The BBC have published, what they think, are the pro's and con's of a UK ID card system;

For identity cards: The government and supporters of the scheme argue that identity cards are necessary to prevent identity theft and reduce benefit fraud. They say that identity cards would:

Prevent illegal immigration: Lack of a card allows illegal immigrants to arrive and disappear, according to the government.

Prevent illegal working: Identity cards would enable employers to verify if people are allowed to work and it would be easier to prosecute employers who break the law, says the Home Office.

Aid anti-terrorism measures: Identity cards would make it harder for terrorists and organised crime rings to use false and multiple identities, argues the Metropolitan Police Commissioner.

Tackle identity theft: A National Register with unique biometric information for each person would make fraud much harder, according to Cifas, the UK’s fraud prevention service.

Reduce benefit fraud and abuse of public services: Identity cards would ensure that public services are only used by those entitled to, says the Home Office.

Enhance sense of community: The government believes that identity cards would create a sense of shared citizenship, belonging and security.

Against identity cards: Opponents argue that identity cards won’t improve security in this country. They say that identity cards would:

Lead to loss of privacy: A massive database with an unprecedented amount of personal information would be created with giving government the power to "extend surveillance" of the population, says No2ID.

Be costly and impractical: The true cost of the scheme is unpredictable and the Home Office has a bad track record with large-scale IT projects, says the Liberal Democrats.

Worsen harassment of ethnic minorities: They would provide another pretext for stop-and-search, often directed at ethnic minorities, argues the civil liberties group Liberty.

Have little impact on counter-terrorism: Terror networks could forge cards or papers enabling people to get cards, and they haven’t prevented attacks elsewhere, says Liberty.

Have little effect on illegal working: Employers who are already willing to break the law won’t be put off by identity cards, says campaigning organisation No2ID.

Lead to ‘function creep’: MPs on the Home Affairs Committee expressed concerns that the functions of the card could grow as it stores more personal information.

What do you think? Personally I don't think these cards will have much of an impact at all. I cannot see, whilst illegal immigrants can easily dissapear in to society without trace, how an ID card can resolve this. Shouldn't the focus be on tightening security on our ports / airports etc? Again, in my own personal opinion, close the channel tunnel...this is the worse thing to happen this century when it comes to opening the doors to anyone.

Is it a wonder that the UK is a central hub for unwanted terrorists and hate campaigners? Again, the Government has fooled the public and diverted attention away from the real issues. Comments......

The Joys For Some Illegal Immigrants

A man who took part in the gang-rape of a women who he held hostage and threatened to sell for prostitution, has been jailed for 14 years.
Snaresbrook Crown Court heard Eimantus Suliauskas, 24, from South Woodford, north London, enticed two women, 22 and 24, back to his home in October 2004.
He told them he and his friends would "try them out" and threatened to kill them if they did not perform.
Suliauskas was convicted of two rape charges and false imprisonment.
The courts must obviously protect young women from people who set out in the way you did to abuse and exploit them
Judge Alan GreenwoodHe was also found guilty of causing the 22-year-old to engage in sexual activity without her consent, and admitted theft of a BMW.
Judge Alan Greenwood told Suliauskas: "It is very clear that you are a very real danger to women.
"The courts must obviously protect young women from people who set out in the way you did to abuse and exploit them"
The two women had been befriended by Suliauskas and went back to his flat voluntarily.
But when they arrived the rest of the gang of Lithuanian men appeared.
Window escape
Suliauskas told the women that he planned to sell them to Saudi Arabians who would use them as sex slaves.
He also said lots of people needed organs for transplants and that he knew how to dispose of their bodies.
The pair were then raped - with the defendant and another man attacking the younger woman before three others went on to sexually attack her.
The men fell asleep and the 22-year-old was able to jump from the window and raise the alarm.
By the time police arrived the flat was empty. The second victim was traced by officers.
Suliauskas's accomplices were never found.
Sickening, Suliaskas's accomplices won't obviusly be found, they are illegal immigrants who are just a drop in the ocean. Is it time to say enough is enough. For an island surrounded by water, the UK is one of the easiest places to penetrate despite what we are so reassuringly told by the Government we have the best homeland security. That may be the case but it sure seems like the Government are quite happy with the amount of illegal immigration and the crime wave that comes with it.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

'Chav' Your Burberry Up Your Pipe

Burberry, what a load of shite and the so called 'Chav' that wears it. What is a Chav you ask? A Thug basically. Chavs have such a tribal dress code that you can spot one yards away! Now what makes the Chavs attire so funny is that they think they are at the cutting edge fashion and that by adorning their body with hunks of worthless 9ct gold crap they look rich! In reality what they do look like are a bunch of fucking pikeys!

Chavs listen to only 3 music genres; Rap, R&B and Dance. Rap for the boys, R&B for the girls and Dance for both sexes. Extensively most of the music they listen to is in the Top40 or has been at some point in the last year. If a Chav listened to non-chart music they may suddenly have a moment of enlightenment that there is more to music than trashy compilations and they will eat their own brain in confusion!

Of course chavs like a star as much as the rest of us, but their community hero worships their own and so we witness the popularity of Jean Claude Van Damme, Jet Li and the previously mentioned Van Diesel. The presence of an R&B star such as 50 cent, Aaliyah or Ice T is almost enough to make a chav wet their pants in excitement. If this presence of musical talent is teamed with a kung fu god the chav watching will also leap up and down and proclaim it as 'best film ever'. A good example of this would be 'Romeo must die' starring Aaliyah and Jet Li and DMX. Any mention however of the Romeo and Juliet style plot will of course be ignored. Also if a film has gone straight to video then it wasn't getting ideas about its station and can be loved like a slightly inbred cousin.

As much as the chav loves kung fu, other favourite genres would include horror and sci-fi. Horror must of course include as many killings that are as graphically rendered as possible. Psychological horror would have to be a horror with a psycho in it that does killings with blood. Sci-fi must be full of aliens, that also do killings. Any attempt to explain the 'science' will be met with distrust (the attempt to explain what was going on in the Matrix was only tolerated as there was lots of kick arse kung fu) and labeled as 'boring bits'.

Now, do you actually fit in to the Chav profile?


Sorry, but this guy totally pisses me off! The former IRA funding twat (Bono) now reformed 'worldly man' donating to many African causes, snatched up grammies this week. Looking like a guant Country & Western singer, we can see him still looking at the world through rose tinted glasses (as depicted).

He is a hypocrite at best, ploughing money into Sinn Fein and the IRA, who sponsor the killing of innocent civilians, now a charitable man throwing money at Africa and the likes.

Dear old dirty London - Shite Hole?

For its range of theatres, museums, galleries and beautiful squares, London is unbeatable.What’s not to love about London? Oh, where to begin?From t he moment you touch down at one of London’s five international airports, it seems the city is doing its best to repel you. The roads and transport links into town are, frankly, a disgrace. (So there’s the 15minute Heathrow Express, but unless you have a train to the West Country to catch, who wants to end up in seedy Paddington?) And the distances to its airports - City excepted - are excessive.Then there’s the dirt, the litter, the noise, the rudeness, the crumbling transport infrastructure, the sheer size, not to mention the expense - London is officially a pricey place to be, second only to Tokyo in terms of living expenses.

The streets are filthy and poorly lit, there are horribly persistent beggars everywhere, and the place is overrun by groups of marauding yoof, out on the booze and aggressive and foul-mouthed with it. Drug-dealing takes place more or less openly, and the atmosphere is deeply depressing when it isn't downright threatening.

Of a policeman on the beat there is hardly ever a sign. When you do see the cops they are usually huddled together in their vans as if for mutual protection from the mean streets outside. "I'm not going out there if I can help it," I often imagine one plod saying to his mates. "It's far too rough and dangerous. Another hand of cards, anyone?"

I've come to the conclusion that London is way behind, it's a dirty shite hole and I don't miss the place at all.

Respect Init!

Tony Blair's Respect tsar has called for a "new generation of enforcers" to uphold the rules of society.
Louise Casey said the role of authority figures like police, community support officers and park keepers was vital.
Mr Blair's Respect action plan launched last week includes evicting problem families for up to three months, more parenting orders and on-the-spot fines.
Opposition critics dismissed the plans as "knee-jerk populism" and a "mish-mash" of gimmicks.
(Source: BBC News)

Respect Init! Dig it!. Sorry but this new form of Bling'lish is another loss of identity felt by today's young in the UK. The yooth (youth) have absolutely nothing to occupy themselves with apart from hanging around shopping centers and street corners and intimidate elderly and other young teenagers. The problem doesn't just stop there. Violent crime committed by teenagers has rocketed, mainly in areas such as Muggings, theft, and Car Crime. Why? Do we blame the kids? No, common sense again has been ignored.
Kids in general have no 'respect' for today's society, the have no goals, no plans....they go with the flow init!
Tony Blair and his band of Croonies really want to look at basic issues here, youth centers have diminished because funding has been cut! The Yooth don't want discipline, organisations such as the Army Cadets, Air Cadets and Naval Cadets have also had their fair share of cut backs with many of these Cadet Units closing across the country.
Tsar's, Mentors whatever you want to call them is not enough, give the kids respect, give them something in life to aim towards, give them an education system that is not covered in cotton wool and lined and soaked in Political Correctness and the respect issue might start to work both ways. Respect is earned, and also earned via respecting authority. What Blair has effectively done over the years is take 'Authority' away from the education system and Law Enforement system, the respect between these systems and today's youth has deminished! Blair now is trying to tackle a problem that he has caused himself. Wood for the trees?

Mosque raid findings revealed

As Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri is convicted of race hate crimes, police have revealed the details of a raid on north London's Finsbury Park Mosque in 2003.

The Metropolitan Police faced criticism from some Muslim leaders when they took the controversial step of raiding the mosque in the early hours of 20 January 2003.
But, after uncovering equipment which detectives believe may have been used in UK-based terror camps, senior officers believe their action was justified.
Dozens of officers in body armour used battering rams to enter the building to start three days of searches.
The full details of equipment, weapons and terrorism paraphernalia can only now be revealed as Abu Hamza's trial is over.
Among the haul - some of which was found close to Abu Hamza's office - were chemical warfare protection suits, pistols, CS spray and a stun gun.
A gas mask, handcuffs, hunting knives and a walkie-talkie were also found.
Ricin breakthrough

Aside from military-style equipment, police also found more then 100 stolen or forged passports and identity documents, credit cards, laminating equipment and chequebooks hidden under rugs. More than £3,000 in cash was also recovered.

Killer jailed over poison plot

But it was the discovery of what was thought to be ricin at a flat in nearby Wood Green earlier that month that had led to the raid.
Evidence found at that raid linked al-Qaeda suspect Kamel Bourgass to Finsbury Park.
A week after the raid in Wood Green, Bourgass was arrested at a flat in Manchester on suspicion of making poison.
As he tried to escape, he stabbed Det Con Stephen Oake to death and seriously injured three other officers.
He was jailed for life in 2004.
Like other illegal immigrants, Bourgass had used the mosque as a place to stay, even using it as his postal address for correspondence with the immigration service.

Abu Hamza preached outside the mosque after he was banned
He had stayed there in the weeks before his attempts to make ricin were discovered.
A week after the arrest of Bourgass, the decision was taken to launch Operation Mermant - the raid on the mosque.
Guided by the light of a helicopter beam, the officers battered their way into the building.
Muslim officers accompanied police on the raid with officers wearing overshoes as a sign of respect.
(Source: BBC News)

Recent events and findings in the UK linked to Islamic militants and extremists I'm sure are just the tip of the iceberg. But in today's current climate of Political Correctness, the Government and it's agencies are too scared to comment on how much of a problem this kind of 'underworld terrorist organisation' is. They are also scared to investigate and carry out raids in fear of being labelled racist and anti-islam. This is great for the terrorists and likes who preach hate towards the west in our very own society publically.

In real terms, the British Public also fall in to this trap of being silenced, scared to raise concerns because they too would be labelled 'Racist'. The British public seem more interested in Pop Idol, Castaway and other such reality TV forms of drivel whereby they can hide away from these sorts of issues. A major factor as to why these Islamic Extremists are rapidly taking hold of the UK.

Assets Frozen - The US Highlights 'Funding'

Five men, three companies and a charity - all UK-based - have had their assets frozen over alleged links to al-Qaeda.
They have been accused of contributing to the finances of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).
The US Treasury, which sought the assets move from the UK, calls the LIFG an "al-Qaeda affiliate" known for engaging in terrorist activity.
Three of the men are from Birmingham, one is from another part of the Midlands and one is from Manchester.
News of the freezing emerged via the US Treasury as it announced it was moving to financially incapacitate the groups and individuals.
(Source: BBC News)

Let's hope that the recent Hamza jailing and other Islamic events recently have now been a kick up the butt for both the Police and the CPS. The 'Hot Potatoe' row yesterday between the CPS and the Police really sums the state of Law and Order in the UK.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Police - Lack Of Action / Lack Of Respect.

Police are facing questions over why they did not act sooner against radical Muslim preacher Abu Hamza al-Masri.
Detectives were "very alert" to the activities of the cleric - jailed on Tuesday for seven years for inciting murder and racial hatred - in 1999.
But the 47-year-old, from London, was not arrested until 2004.
Anti-terror police say evidence was sent to prosecutors "on several occasions" but no action was taken by the Crown Prosecution Service.
UK police had interviewed Abu Hamza during 1999 over alleged involvement in terror plots in Yemen, but no charges were brought.
He was eventually arrested in 2004 following an extradition request from the US, but charged five months later with offences relating to his activities in the UK.
On Tuesday, Abu Hamza was convicted of inciting murder, racial hatred and possession of a terrorist document after a trial at London's Old Bailey.
The preacher could still face extradition to the US on terrorism charges when he is released from jail in Britain.
(Source: BBC News)

Since the removal of the word 'Force' to 'Service' (Police Service) it seems the only people in 'cuffs' are the actual UK Police Services themselves. In my view they are nothing more than an extended arm of Social Services and at best 'Ponced Up Traffic Wardens'. Is it a wonder that nowadays the Police are viewed with little respect. The Government has made the service near enough powerless to tackle real crime.

It's all very well recruiting voluntary 'Special Constables' and Community Police, given the lack of powers the Police seem to have nowadays crime is rife no matter what the statistics say. Gun crime is at an all time high along with violent crimes involving stabbings and severe bodily harm crimes.

Police recruitment policy seems to be an absolute joke in the days of Political Correctness, the old minimum height rule binned as one example, it's a no wonder the Police are treated as a joke. Police seem to be thrown on the streets in the comfort of a new Police Car patrolling notorious known areas with parking problems and speeding offences committed. They also seem to recruit officers that appear to be just out of school with 'bumfluff' eminating around their chins.

Back To The Clink!!

A demonstrator who imitated a suicide bomber in a Muslim protest over cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad has been recalled to prison.
Omar Khayam, 22, of Bedford, is a convicted drug dealer who was jailed in 2002 and released on licence last year after serving half his sentence.
He was arrested and recalled to prison for breaching the terms of his licence.
Khayam apologised for his "insensitive" protest on Monday but said he had been offended by the cartoons.
(Source: BBC News)

Should this guy also be prosecuted under incitement and promoting terrorist acts? Is an apology enough, after all, he carried out this insensitive moronic actions at last weeks protests against Denmark over the so called offending cartoons published in a number of European news papers. He has been returned to jail because he was out on license and breeched the terms of his bail. What now? will this be a distraction to further charges being brought forward. I'm sure if this was a 'Middle England' white protester who was pro fox hunting, further charges would of immediately be brought forward.

I'm convinced that the UK now has a two tier policing system, even though our Police 'Service' will now merge under one operating force across the UK. The Police 'Service' has become nothing more than a business venture gathering as many fixed penalty notices as possible to generate huge revenues.

When it comes to 'real' crime, they seem powerless.

Hamza Jailed - Finally!

Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been jailed for seven years after being found guilty of inciting murder and race hate.
Abu Hamza, 47, who preached at Finsbury Park Mosque, London, was convicted of 11 of the 15 charges he faced.
He has already been in jail since May 2004, and will appeal. His lawyer said he considered himself "a prisoner of faith" subject to "slow martyrdom".
US authorities are seeking the cleric's extradition for terror-related matters.
He is wanted on charges of trying to set up a "terrorist training camp" in the state of Oregon.
Passing sentence at the Old Bailey, Mr Justice Hughes told Abu Hamza: "I do not make the mistake that you represent Islamic thinking generally.
(Source BBC News)

Finally, this madman has been put in the 'chocker' Locked away for seven years but looking into the case, he could be out again as soon as early 2008! Will he come out with a bigger bee in his bonnet? Will he now be deemed as a true martyr by extremist muslims? The coming weeks will see if protests against his jailing will be allowed and the calling of killing of all non-believers to be beheaded / killed.

Has this action come a little to late? Hamza is also wanted by US athorities in connection with involvement in 'Terror Camp' involvement, 9/11 and the planing of attacks across Europe from the Mosque in North London a few years ago. Should the US be allowed to extradite him? I say hand him over now, he'll probably get the justice he deserves.

Islam - Submission!

Islam - Direct translation = Submission.....and a prime example during last weeks demonstations outside the Danish embassy in London last week. Police stand by and do absolutely nothing while Muslims dress in combat gear posing as suicide bombers are photographed by a police van and others displaying placards quoting the beheading and killing of non-muslims.

In recent years, religion, race or creed has never bothered me, that was until I witness how Islamists can blatently preach openly the hate and cries of Jihad against westeners in my own country without being touched. Get a group of Countryside middle class people protesting against anti-fox hunting bill and they get the strength of the long arm of the law thrown at them.

The UK, especially since the late 90's has driven me to radically change my views on Government, Reforms and Laws introduced under the Liberal Elite discuised as 'New Labour'. To the point, three years ago I left the UK to get away from pathetic PC control freakism. But I still feel great pain when I see what my country has turned into.

The lack of arrests, the lack of enforcement and the softly, softly approach shown by the Police 'Service' has given these extremists a green light to do and say what they want. I feel now that this is just the begining of an Islamic uprising on the UK's own doorstep.

This blog will follow events around the UK in the wake of the publishing of the cartoons in the Danish and other european press recently.