Respect Init!

Tony Blair's Respect tsar has called for a "new generation of enforcers" to uphold the rules of society.
Louise Casey said the role of authority figures like police, community support officers and park keepers was vital.
Mr Blair's Respect action plan launched last week includes evicting problem families for up to three months, more parenting orders and on-the-spot fines.
Opposition critics dismissed the plans as "knee-jerk populism" and a "mish-mash" of gimmicks. (Source: BBC News)
Respect Init! Dig it!. Sorry but this new form of Bling'lish is another loss of identity felt by today's young in the UK. The yooth (youth) have absolutely nothing to occupy themselves with apart from hanging around shopping centers and street corners and intimidate elderly and other young teenagers. The problem doesn't just stop there. Violent crime committed by teenagers has rocketed, mainly in areas such as Muggings, theft, and Car Crime. Why? Do we blame the kids? No, common sense again has been ignored.
Kids in general have no 'respect' for today's society, the have no goals, no plans....they go with
the flow init!

Tony Blair and his band of Croonies really want to look at basic issues here, youth centers have diminished because funding has been cut! The Yooth don't want discipline, organisations such as the Army Cadets, Air Cadets and Naval Cadets have also had their fair share of cut backs with many of these Cadet Units closing across the country.
Tsar's, Mentors whatever you want to call them is not enough, give the kids respect, give them something in life to aim towards, give them an education system that is not covered in cotton wool and lined and soaked in Political Correctness and the respect issue might start to work both ways. Respect is earned, and also earned via respecting authority. What Blair has effectively done over the years is take 'Authority' away from the education system and Law Enforement system, the respect between these systems and today's youth has deminished! Blair now is trying to tackle a problem that he has caused himself. Wood for the trees?
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