Islam - Submission!

Islam - Direct translation = Submission.....and a prime example during last weeks demonstations outside the Danish embassy in London last week. Police stand by and do absolutely nothing while Muslims dress in combat gear posing as suicide bombers are photographed by a police van and others displaying placards quoting the beheading and killing of non-muslims.
In recent years, religion, race or creed has never bothered me, that was until I witness how Islamists can blatently preach openly the hate and cries of Jihad against westeners in my own country without being touched. Get a group of Countryside middle class people protesting against anti-fox hunting bill and they get the strength of the long arm of the law thrown at them.
The UK, especially since the late 90's has driven me to radically change my views on Government, Reforms and Laws introduced under the Liberal Elite discuised as 'New Labour'. To the point, three years ago I left the UK to get away from pathetic PC control freakism. But I still feel great pain when I see what my country has turned into.
The lack of arrests, the lack of enforcement and the softly, softly approach shown by the Police 'Service' has given these extremists a green light to do and say what they want. I feel now that this is just the begining of an Islamic uprising on the UK's own doorstep.
This blog will follow events around the UK in the wake of the publishing of the cartoons in the Danish and other european press recently.
The holy war is well under way, politians are gagged from admitting this fact. What's the betting with current tnetions in the Middle East that a huge attrocity will occur during 2006? My betting is June this year
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