Hamza Jailed - Finally!

Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been jailed for seven years after being found guilty of inciting murder and race hate.
Abu Hamza, 47, who preached at Finsbury Park Mosque, London, was convicted of 11 of the 15 charges he faced.
He has already been in jail since May 2004, and will appeal. His lawyer said he considered himself "a prisoner of faith" subject to "slow martyrdom".
US authorities are seeking the cleric's extradition for terror-related matters.
He is wanted on charges of trying to set up a "terrorist training camp" in the state of Oregon.
Passing sentence at the Old Bailey, Mr Justice Hughes told Abu Hamza: "I do not make the mistake that you represent Islamic thinking generally. (Source BBC News)
Finally, this madman has been put in the 'chocker' Locked away for seven years but looking into the case, he could be out again as soon as early 2008! Will he come out with a bigger bee in his bonnet? Will he now be deemed as a true martyr by extremist muslims? The coming weeks will see if protests against his jailing will be allowed and the calling of killing of all non-believers to be beheaded / killed.
Has this action come a little to late? Hamza is also wanted by US athorities in connection with involvement in 'Terror Camp' involvement, 9/11 and the planing of attacks across Europe from the Mosque in North London a few years ago. Should the US be allowed to extradite him? I say hand him over now, he'll probably get the justice he deserves.
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