Friday, April 06, 2012

An Important Water Shortage Appeal

This is an appeal on behalf of the UK Government. Can you spare £5 a month? The UK is suffering it's worse drought in decades, by just donating £5 a month, you can help us provide a Stand Pipe in each Town and Village throughout the UK. A regular donation will enable us to provide water to the people and you'll receive a Dappy Dave figurine, plus regular updates of Stand Pipe installations.

Monday, April 02, 2012

It's OK, we've got the Olympics to celebrate

"Yer I Know"
Despite being on the brink of a total financial collapse, unemployment at it's highest levels for decades, the working class family being squeezed ever more and the prospect of our freedoms being eroded by EU monitoring laws being brought in by our LIBLABCON alliance, there's a glimmer of hope. There's an event that we will all be able to hide behind and just pretend all our woes aren't really happening. Thank God for the Olympics!! Yes, it's all within budget and will bring the riches and feel good factor back to this country once and for all! What? Not convinced are you? I guess you are right, at around £9bn over budget and set to be probably the most embarrassing Olympics of all time, we'll end up footing the bill for another huge white elephant.

Broken Britain
The delusional Olympics hype machine would have us believe that the Olympics will be our savior, let's focus on this wonderful event and look how 'great' Britain has advertised itself thus so far. Maybe the London 2012 Olympics logo is a true reflection of the state of the host nation? A broken window representing the broken state of this country. Let's face it, study the logo, a fractured symbol that is probably a true reflection of what most think about the UK as a whole. 

Olympic 'One Eyed Monsters'
Sick Britain's Suggested Characters
Then there's the little characters that have been born out of London 2012, I often ask where the spaceship is. As a child I used to have nightmares about one eyed monsters, ironically, these are characters that are fronting the Olympics 2012. These phallic symbols of one eyed teeth prancing around scaring the shit of of children must of been based on someone's childhood memories or was it on the attack from mars films that used to dominate cinema screens back in the late 40s and early 50s?  So, on that theme, we at Sick Britain have come up with our own characters that reflect the monsters that are really behind this corporate event that we all will end up paying for.

The 'A' Team will be on standby
Olympics 2012 should be the most safest event the world has ever witnessed. Our Government have spent an absolute fortune on making sure the Police and our armed forces will treat the Olympics like a full scale theater of World War III. Snipers in Helicopters using high caliber sniper rifles, police armed to the teeth with Glocks and 50,000 volt cattle prods, private security firms supervising the event ensuring no one is wearing T shirts that don't blend in with the event or display political messages. Then there is all those Corporate VIP lanes carving there way through the City and East End of London, a no go area for anybody trying to go about there daily business whilst this huge circus event rolls on. Londoners have been advised to take holidays and go away whilst this Corporate Event is being held.

Hail to our leaders, thanks for winning this fantastic event, I'm sure it'll benefit us all!

London 2012 - A Military Operation

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Go on, do it Cameron....Please!

So, how are things looking six years on? Worse? Yer, much worse aren't they and we are back to start taking stock on just what a complete shit state the UK is in. Well, since my last outbursts out here in the blogosphere, we've had a change of Government (allegedly). The LIBLABCON alliance are well and truly underway, cultivating their plans for complete control and the fracturing of the UK as we know it. Today, we have a further announcement that, despite the Government's manifesto stating it is against the Big Brother state, we are to be monitored without the need for a warrant. Yes, Dave can authorise monitoring of your phone calls, emails, blogs or anything electronically communicated to be intercepted. Meanwhile, wanted terrorists like Abu Qatada get let out of prison, protected from deportation and given a bigger council house on, yes you guessed it, us the tax payers. 

The laugh of it all is these powers are being brought in to protect us! Really, right now the only protection I need is from this Government. No doubt as I type, my key presses are being monitored and stored in some 'insurgents' database at GCHQ! Great, I couldn't careless, I'm glad they know my thoughts, my feelings and what I really think about this sick country of ours. This country has parallels with a self harmer, it has a severe mental illness which is rapidly being passed on to it citizens.  The signs of a breaking point are ever closer, this is ever more conclusive as the Government arm the Police with equipment the Army would be envious of. GovUK are scared of a backlash, I'm not talking about the riots of last summer, that's kids play in comparison. I'm convinced that when the population will eventually say 'enough is enough', the backlash will make those summer riots look like childs play. This 'Patsy' Government, Patsy because they take their orders from the Banks and Corporations, are starting to mess with our freedoms and human rights. Whilst the real Terrorist seek and get all the protections available, normal citizens are loosing theirs which in my book, reads that the so called terrorists are winning this war. Risking being arrested of inciting some sort of 'Hate Crime', I support any civil disobedience designed to disrupt and interfere with the Government and their agencies. Let's be real here, the Government are declaring war on it's citizens, especially those who are putting money into it's coffers (Yes, you tax payers) so be prepared.

Yer, ok, I hear ya "It's a conspiracy theory". OK, let's assume it is and rewind 25 years ago, if  I was to tell you then that today we all have 1 CCTV camera per 14 of the population of this country monitoring us at some time, Councils tagging bins and using CCTV evidence against it's constituents you laugh. Sheep tend to follow the crowd, Sheeple do the same, they trust the BBC as the Beeb is seen as safe, impartial <cough>  and familiar, after all you pay nearly £150 a year for this unbiased organisation to educate, inform and entertain you. With the pinnacle of the internet being reached, I say being reached because soon the freedoms you have on the internet will be a thing of the past (More about that soon in another post), we have access to independent news sources, blogs and personal accounts. Time and time again the Main Stream Media (MSN) will try to cover up or fail to report what really is going on, they want you to absorb what aligns with our Government's political agenda. This happens in nearly every country.

So, if you value your freedom, it's time to wake up, it's time for a revolution! Don't be afraid to say how you feel, don't switch the TV on and try and run away from what is really happening, stop buying LED TV's, iPads, iPhones and the latest gadget that's going to distract you. Put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboards and hound those in power! It will be the people who do nothing that will be the first to complain when things start to get out out of hand. You can hear these cowards every day "What can I do?" - Grow up and man up! 

Part II soon

We're back

After a long fight, this site is back. Be prepared for more 'as it is' views....