Monday, April 09, 2012

Uber Gov. Tightens The Vice.

Privately, I have told friends and members of my family to expect the grip on us to grow tighter on a weekly basis and boy, I hate to say it, I'm correct. Cameron's goons have started to get Government and Local Government to take more control of our everyday lives dictating how we should live our life and what we should do to become an acceptable part of this mentally ill society the fascist regime has released apon us.  Think Tanks are having a field day conjuring up plans for the totalitarian state they wish to inflict on us, the Eton Boys club are rubbing their hands as they extract even more money from us all to fund their foreign aid  donations given away on our behalf. We are also funding banks and corporations more and more whilst the Fat Cat feeding frenzy is centered on draining the poor more and more.

The Dictatorship now  wants us all to inform Local Councils when we need to change our boilers should they go wrong, even if we want to install windows and conservatories. The Council will then send an army of 'Green Enforcement Officers' around your house to assess your property and whether you need to spend more on insulation and reducing your 'Carbon Footprint'. If they dictate you need loft insulation, cavity insulation etc, you MUST pay before they will give you permission to change your broken boiler. If you can't afford it, you will be forced to take on debt having additional bills added to your already criminally inflated Gas / Electric Bills. This is DICTATORSHIP, the Nanny State is pretending this is all for you own good and the good of the country. Left Wingers always bring dictatorships in the disguise of 'protecting you'. Liars will convince you the planet is doomed because of us.

We are entering an era of State Bullying, this must be stopped head on. 'None of the above' marked on future voting slips will give a clear message that we need a radical overhaul of our political system. We need to bring our Government back down to earth. We can start by heavily reducing the numbers of MPs. We have reached a pivotal moment where if we all do nothing, we deserve the Dictatorship we are sleep walking into.  


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