Friday, February 10, 2006

Everyones A Criminal In The UK

"Right Bitch! - You're nicked for non
payment of your TV License!"

Hang her, slaughter her, chop her hands off - Theif, low life - 10 pence, my God, I bet this was worth the court costs to warrent a 10p mistake, after all it was a genuine mistake. Northern Rail should be ashamed! This is another step to try an criminalise normal decent people! The UK is obsessed by getting as many 'petty' convictions as it can and this is becoming a worrying factor of life in the UK.

You stand more of a chance becoming a criminal by committing the following offences;

* Failure to meet a Civil Fine
* Non-payment of Council Tax (Even if you can't afford it)
* Most traffic offences
* Failure to pay the BBC TV License
* Failure to abide by Metric weights & measures (Dictated by the EU)

"It's OK, I'm calling for back up!
Are you sure Sir he gave you half a pound
of of bananas and not half a kilo?"

The list goes on, but you stand less of a chance of getting caught if you are a theif, a mugger, stab someone and kill them, corporate criminal or even a terrorist at that! In actual fact, as a serious offender, you get all the benfits and help you ever wanted. Peadophiles are generally now accepted, they can even get jobs in schools working close to children....The UK is peadophile Heaven. (reference Mark Cummings:

"Bonus, your nicked for non-offensive white propaganda son! Right kick the shit out of him"

and some may wonder why I titled this blog 'Sick Britain'


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