Saturday, April 14, 2012

Find The Thieves And Crooks Now

Turn the camera on yourself
There's plenty of them and they are normally hiding out in your Local Authorities (LA) ivory towers all up and down the country. I am a firm believer that fully auditing LA's and their Councillors would make the MP's Expense scandal look like child's play. We should all be putting pressure on local councils as the Tax goes up, services are coming down and the usual diatribe from them is wearing very thin. It's time to focus on all the 'bogus' positions that have been created, from 'Teenage Pregnancy Co-Ordinators' on around £45,00 PA to 'Senior Shape Officers'. The size of council departments is horrendous as shown in this example of Kensington & Chelsea's Human Resources Charts Looking at you own LA's structure may also shock you. 

It's easy to see just how much your LA is involved in 'shaping' society and the results of recent expansion in this area has spawned some shocking results, but this is all intentional. Just like their leaders, Central Government, large over bloated Governance is designed to dumb down the nation by total control. You see and hear it every day, the Government and LAs love to give you advise and tell you how to live, do things, eat, sleep....the list goes on and on. Does this work? Do I need to explain?


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